Our Client - Jodi's Story
Jodi, a stay-at-home mother, applied for help to obtain a divorce from her husband, Bert, whose escalating anger and depression issues began to scare his family. While meeting with the Legal Aid attorney, Jodi confided that besides years of emotional and verbal abuse, Bert also was physically abusive. Jodi worried how she would support herself and her child without Bert because she had not worked during the marriage and Bert had a good job that paid well.
Because the Legal Aid attorney was able to obtain an order from the court for temporary spousal support and child support, Jodi was able to find a good job herself and hire reliable child care. At the final divorce hearing, Jodi was not only awarded the marital home, but also financial and medical support from Bert. This support, coupled with her own income, increased Jodi’s income to well-above the federal poverty level.
Names in this story were changed to protect the client's privacy.